Thursday, 18 February 2010

My Precious 'Bag of Sugar'

Meet Joseph. Lovely isn't he. Not even a bag of sugar! In this picture he weighs just 652 grams. Take a bag of sugar out of your pantry. Yes, now. Hold it, look at it, marvel at just how tiny a human can be.

This picture was taken in May 2009, dreadfully hot, an early English Summer. That's me in the picture, the first time I held my darling son, at just a week old. The bruises aren't from a bar fight, they're from my friendly anaethetist. I had severe early onset pre eclampsia. Not. Fun. At. All.

I've spent a good many months thinking that pre eclampsia, and the early birth of my son was the most horrendous thing that could have happened to me. I had a six month pity party. Balloons, cake and everything.

Until I woke up. Joseph is the greatest thing in my life (apart from my husband of course). He is a precious gift. Ok so childbirth was not how I expected it. And I expected Joseph's first bed to be a nice cosy crib, not a cold hard incubator.

But I have learnt over the past months that things could have been so much worse. Women in 21st Century England still die of pre eclampsia, babies are still lost.

So my not even a bag of sugar is now many many bags of sugar! A pallett!

Joseph has inspired me to blog, not just about premature babies, and my experiences, but everything that touches me. Especially baking, now that takes a bag of sugar!


  1. I understand the naming now!!!! Great idea :)

    Although if that was the case my blog would be called 'Fat git' or 'Bumhole' Hahaha.... so affectionate! xxx

  2. I love your blog and you, you speak directly to my heart. I believe that although what you went through was horrific, God gave you this challenge because he knew you could handle it and would take it out into the world and make good of it helping all those that need it and maybe before they met you were looking for a little strength xxx

  3. Ahhhh so tiny! I bet not so tiny any more though!

    As light as a bag of sugar - that really is amazing when you stop to think about it. Right now I have read the first I feel compelled to read the last one too !

    Pleased to meet you x

  4. I can't believe how tiny he is, so amazing x

  5. oh .. i am so glad i found you via @mammasaurus ! my boy was born last year at just 28+2 (like you i had severe early onset pre-eclampsia). he's fab too, no probs. so lovely to read someone else's story. we are two VERY lucky ladies aren't we? xx

  6. ah this such a lovely first post

  7. What a lovely first post! I can't believe I haven't read it before! Being Mummies to prem babies is a challenge, you know I know, but it is also a privilege and I treasure every day. Love your blog x
