Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Cybermummy 2011

I've finally come to a decision to attend Cybermummy 2011 My main motivation for attending Cybermummy is to improve my blogging skills, and raise the profile of Not Even A Bag of Sugar. Over the course of the past year I have been overwhelmed by the response to my blog, and want to make improvements, learn new skills, and make Not Even A Bag of Sugar a vibrant, living resource for parents, particularly of premature babies, or those with additional needs. I also want Not Even A Bag of Sugar to be fun, and lighthearted too, as being a parent of a premature baby is not all hard work, and its not sad, its exciting, fun and frustrating at times too!

Cybermummy is held in lovely London, this year on the 25th June 2011, and to this end I am looking for a sponsor.

The costs for me to attend are as follows
£100 for the ticket to attend Cybermummy
£70 approximately for the return train ticket Manchester - London

Total cost - £170

Accommodation is being provided by a friend.

In return my sponsor can expect to receive a bespoke package from me which can include

* a review and promotion of your business via a blog post
* links to your business on Twitter and Facebook, I have almost 600 friends on Facebook, over 100 blog subscribers, and over 700 Twitter contacts.
* a badge and/or banner on my blog for a period of time which we will agree together
* promotion of your business by way of a badge or t-shirt at the Cybermummy event

If you would like to discuss this opportunity further please contact me at

1 comment:

  1. I've just given you a blog award. Head over to my blog for the details. Shona
