Wednesday, 25 May 2011

This Is Serious Mum - No Child Born to Die

I don't think anyone likes taking their baby for the immunisations. Watching them being stuck by a needle is not nice, hearing them cry. But we take them because we know that the devastating effect of childhood diseases is far worse than a short sharp prick with a needle. But we are lucky. Vaccinations are free. There is a well defined programme in countries like the UK and Australia. We don't need to worry about our children dying needlessly of conditions that can be easily prevented.

Usually being tagged in a meme makes me nervous. Will anyone care what my most embarrassing moment was, or what I eat for breakfast. But this time I am honoured to be tagged by the lovely Jane at Northern Mum 
You can learn more about the inspiration behind this at Red Ted Art

This meme challenge is to support the work of Save the Children 's No Child Born to Die campaign. 1 in 5 children in the world receive no vaccinations at all. David Cameron is hosting a meeting of world leaders in London, and Save the Children are using this as an opportunity to highlight the funding shortfall, and get these important people to do something about it.

The Challenge

1) Get your child to either draw or craft a self portrait of themselves now or in the future.
2) Sign the Save the Children petition and then pass it onto your friends
3) Write a blog post about it as soon as possible, including info about Save the Children and the petition. We want as many people linked up AND signed up the petition by Sunday 29th May 2011
4) Tag 8 fellow blogger friends
5) Come back and link up your posts, so we can all share your craftiness
6)If you have time, visit each other posts and say hello!

So Joseph was up for the challenge.

 My question to him was what does he want to be in the future. To me it looks a bit like the portrait of a punk rocker! Or perhaps the vertical lines just indicate he's aiming high, I don't know.

What I do know is that throught he vast amount of medical support Joseph received as a baby, and through preventative medicine, Joseph's future is bright.

I'm going to wimp out with the tagging, and tag 4

Beyond the Boob

SFR Product Reviews

Edspire - Esther and William in the World

Small Victories


1 comment:

  1. Love that he had a go at drawing and that you captured it! Aiming high is fab! Though so would be a punk rocker (erm, I think..)

    Thank you for supporting Save The Children and this meme. :-)

    (PS you can add your picture to the blog hop - looks fab with all the wonderful drawings: )
