Friday, 2 September 2011

Friday Feature - Nobody Said It Was Easy

For my third Friday Feature I am featuring two blogs, one of whom is written by a dear friend of  mine, the other introduced to me by a fellow parent of a premature baby, Ross, who blogs about his son Freddie.

Nobody Said It Was Easy is written by my good friend Stacey. I met her on a wedding forum well over three years ago now! It's kinda ruining the story of her blog, however her blog charts her progress as she tries to conceive, up until her pregnancy, and hopefully well beyond into parenthood. At times very honest, and a great comfort to anyone trying to conceive and going through diagnosis and treatment. She has nominated me as her pregnancy mentor, lets hope I do better with Stacey than I did with myself!

The Anderson Bump and Baby is a beautiful read, but extremely sensitive at the moment. What started as a blog about Mummy and Daddy Anderson's journey into parenthood has become a journey no father would ever want to take. Lauren is currently in ITU unconcious, and the baby girl (who I have nicknamed Possum) is in NICU, born at 27 weeks weighing 1lb 6oz. Lauren is in Inverness and Possum is in Aberdeen. I know a lot of my readers will empathise with Matt and have words of comfort for him at this frightening time.

I hope you will read and support these two blogs, and encourage each of their writers in their journeys.

1 comment:

  1. I have just noticed you blog post. I cannot thank you enough for all the support you have given and directed my way. It is much appriciated and making all the difference to keep my spirits up at the moment.
    All my best,
