Saturday, 17 December 2011

Give a Truly Precious Gift this Christmas

At this time of year there are so many pressures on us, timewise and financially. It's a busy time of year, and often quite stressful. However to balance that, it's also a time of year where we think of others, maybe even people we have never met.

Think of a gift that will cost you nothing, save maybe an hour of your time, will not cost you any money, but might just help save a life. Blood.

When Joseph was in NICU he, like many other premature babies, needed a number of blood transfusions. The medical team lost count at 8 transfusions. I have to say, I had always thought of blood transfusions for adults, or children with leukemia, but had never even crossed my mind that tiny babies might need one or several.

Bliss are working with the National Blood Service  to ensure lots of people give this lovely precious gift at Christmas time especially.

An amazing fact is that one donation can provide enough blood for four individual doses for a premature or sick baby.

If you are interested in becoming a donor please visit the National Blood Service website or call 0300 123 2323 to find out more.

Even if you have previously been told you can't donate, please ring and check, as the rules do change from time to time.

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