Sunday, 8 April 2012

Easter Sunday

Today we had special visitors, Katherine, Little bit and Mr PinkWellies from Mummy Pinkwellies and Sim from Sim's Life.

Lunch was lovely, and it was nice to have a traditional mummy's kitchen natter whilst the kids and dads ate away from us putting the world to rights. I learnt for the first time that Katherine had first read my blog when her little girl was in NICU, which I found really fascinating, and she said she found it reassuring, which makes me so happy. Her little girl is just amazing, and was very confidently marching about our house!

Here are a couple of snaps!

Simnel cake

Lemon cupcakes and chocolate peanut butter cupcakes

Beautiful flowers from the Pinkwellies family

A very tried little boy

1 comment:

  1. That Simnel cake was lush! I know I didn't manage a piece whilst there but that was only because of all the other lovely food on offer. I had it with a cuppa when we eventually got home last night :)

    Thanks so much again, you made us feel so welcome. Can't wait to catch up again at Britmums Live 2012

    Oh and take a look at you beat me to it but still...

