Thursday, 6 September 2012

4 Years Ago Today - My Wedding in Pictures

I have serious wedding envy at the moment. I loved planning our wedding, and I love our photographs, taken by two dear friends Jen and Chris. I tasked Jen with taking the minutae of our day, all the little details, and Chris with bigger shots, and it worked great! So here are some pictures of our day.

My sister Penni and her daughter Frederique

Bridesmaid's bouquet in the window

My gorgeous husband on the left with the dashing best man

My sister @eglantinescake reading poetry

Some of our guests

Walking to the train station

Enjoying the sun waiting for the train

Stealing a kiss on a stolen train!

Never travel to Ramsbottom without a brolly!

Having 5 minutes before heading to the reception

Silly wedding t-shirts!


  1. Love your pics - I get wedding envy too... We were married 3 or so years ago!
    Happy Anniversary!

  2. Fabulous! Especially loved the photo of everyone walking down the street. Would make anyone smile. Looked like a wonderful day :0)

  3. Happy anniversary. looks a lovely day,looked great fun all getting the train and walking down the street.
    At my sisters wedding in Italy we all went for a walk carrying a paper bag each with a packed lunch in! Great fun and we got some odd looks tho,boys in kilts added to it I think....

  4. Oh lovely!! We have an umbrella photo too, was such a mixed day weather wise wasn't it! Happy 4 years anniversary buddy! x

  5. A wonderfully British wedding for an ausie! Very original, liked it, especially the bus! May ask one day hubby to to that, if we ever get married!!
