Friday, 2 April 2010

Good Friday Outing

Today we had a lovely break from packing and organising for the big house move and we took a day trip to Hebden Bridge, a lovely town just on the other side of the Pennines from our lovely town. Hebden Bridge is a bustling town, full of artists, cafes and shops.

Hebden Bridge is one of the first places Corey and I went when we found out we were expecting. We went to a beautiful shop where I tried a sling with a bear brandishing a cutlass (strange but true!), and had a spooky conversation with the owner about premature babies (very odd)

And when Joseph was in hospital it was the first place we went on a Saturday afternoon after spending time with him, for an outing. We went to another lovely shop and bought some premmie clothes, and of course, got our sling, which I used for the first time in hospital to carry Joseph from the sleep over room into the ward.

It's such a magical place, the sort of place you would love to live in, but then you wouldn't be able to escape their at weekends!

And today was lovely. Joseph sat in a highchair and ate parsnip and ginger soup, hoummus, the biggest most bitter green olive you have ever seen, and tortilla crisps.

And, best of all, an old man next to us guessed Joseph's age......10 months (ok he is nearly 11) but that trip today kind of marked for me the ending of our journey with a premature baby.

Joseph isn't the teeny premature baby anymore, he's a little boy, full of fun, energy and promise!

And that's fantastic.

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