Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Have Toddler will Travel

Hello dear readers, I am missing you all, and missing keeping up with my blog whilst I am overseas. I thought I'd tell you a bit about how we did on the plane to get here.

Joseph and I are travelling alone, my husband is still at work whilst we're away for six weeks, hopefully this will keep him out of trouble for a bit! We left on an evening flight from Manchester to Dubai. We then flew Dubai to Kuala Lumpur and finally on to Melbourne. It took a little over 24 hours.

I did a lot of research about what to pack in our hand luggage. I had a Trunki case for Joseph filled with toys, special blankie and his beloved Teddy. I had a carry on bag with our mei tai sling, snacks, and his sippy cup. On the plane they provided baby milk and bottles. Joseph doesn't use a bottle now usually but he loved his milk in a bottle for take off and landing, so I'm grateful that had these on board. I've bought a new cup with a sucky nozzle for the return leg.

We had a bassinette booked, the airline did say in the UK that the weight limit was 11 kg, however in practise the staff do not like babies anywhere near this weight in the bassinette, so it was pretty useless to have this booked, as I had to fight for it onboard, and Joseph preferred to sleep on me anyway. I haven't booked a seat for him, as this would have cost 75% of the adult fare, and they have to be on a lap for landing, take off and turbulence, and all our flights have taken the gravel road!

The sling has been an absolute life saver. Although a big boy now, Joseph doesn't stand or walk, so without this I am not sure how I would have managed the long queues through check in and immigration. It's also helped Joseph to feel more secure as he is nice and close, and can look all around whilst still feeling safe.

It's been an adventure so far and an enjoyable one. Not too many tantrums and tiaras, and Joseph has had great fun meeting new friends and getting to know his grandparents again. And because the flight was so good, I am not dreading the return trip!


  1. Great to hear you had a good trip there! Can't wait for you to come back, I miss our daily chats! lol But glad you're having a great time back home :) x

  2. Glad to hear you navigated the trip well. I agree the sling was a lifesaver for us too when we went - made the airport and changing planes and all that so much simpler. Hope you have a fantastic time with family and friends xxx

  3. I remember the first time I traveled with EJ. He was about 6 months old, and I was convinced it would be awful. But I nursed him through take off and landing, we were fine. Nowadays, it's, "Are we there yet mom?" "Are we THERE yet?" ARE we there YET?"

  4. Ooh I missed this - glad to hear you got there safe and sound and that the journey wasn't too fraught.

    I think you're very brave undertaking that journey on your own with Joseph. Hope you both have a fab time! x

  5. New follower, found you on BLISS :)

    Have a lovely time xx
