Monday, 5 September 2011

One Day Like This - Oh Mammy's Monday Musical Meme

So tomorrow is a special anniversary, three years of wedded bliss. It's been quite a busy three years, full of excitement, tears and a bit of fear thrown in, and there were times when I wasn't sure whether we would make it, but here we are. So I would like to dedicate today's Musical Meme to my lovely, and never annoying, husband. If you want to join in link up here. You can post on anything you like, with a musical theme.

We debated quite a bit about what our first dance song should be for our wedding. We had a vintage themed wedding, with a double decker bus, a vintage diesel train, and loads of flowers and tea dresses, it was wonderful. And we chose this song as our first dance. Something slow and soppy just wasn't our style. We'd been to see Van the Man in concert some months before, and we both just looked at each other and smiled. This was it!

Corey has introduced me to Radio 4 being 20 years older than me 20 months older than me, Corey is middle aged, unlike my sweet self still in my 30s (who am I kidding, only very just). Our favourite thing to do on a Sunday morning is listen to Desert Island Discs over a leisurely breakfast. (More accurately, snatched listenings in between Cbeebies or trips to the park!) Corey always says this will be his first track when he is featured on Desert Island Discs to commemorate his knighthood (he's never annoying, and never predispositioned to delusions of grandeur either)

This song was huge the year we were planning our wedding, and we debated trying to include it but failed, it didn't seem right somehow. Elbow are a band close to our hearts as they are from Bury, where we live. This song is just beautiful and always makes me smile. Joseph loves it too (being a strings fanatic) so for me it's our family song, just the three of us.


  1. I love your first dance song. Van Morrison reminds me of my dad and being a little girl. Me and Si have been married year this week and our first dance was You and me song by the Wannadies we picked this one because I can't dance so I could just jump around and two we don't so soppy. Oh and the words were perfect.

  2. Firstly I love the way your write and your humour. I love your wedding choice song. May have to investigate Van Morrison more. Found you via the Oh Mammy linky. My try is over at

  3. Happy Anniversary for tomorrow ! I love the 'my lovely, and never annoying, husband.' bit - mine makes sure I never say a bad word about him -err not that theres much to say of course ;)

    Love Elbow to bits too so you've inspired me to go and get the album off the shelf :)

  4. love elbow great choice! great to hear stuff you dont hear over here.
