Sunday 18 September 2011

World Prematurity Day - November 17th

Last year I was reasonably new to blogging and Twitter. March of Dimes approached me to join in Bloggers Unite Fight for Preemies, which I was more than happy to do. I really enjoyed it, and the Twitter conversations. I was so green back then I didn't even know how to put a badge on my blog and the March of Dimes team held my hand and showed me how to do it!

So this year, I really want to ramp it up, and see loads of my mummy and blogger friends getting involved in this important event. March of Dimes want this to go global this year the European Foundation for the Care of Newborn Infants, Africa’s Little Big Souls International Foundation and Australia’s National Premmie Foundation are all involved, so it's going to be a diverse and exciting range of blog posts and people tweeting.

You don't have to have had personal experience of having a premature baby. With 1 in 9 premature babies born each year in the UK, you will know one, and of course you know me. You can write about anything, a newspaper article, a television programme, a friend, a relative. You could post a picture, or a poem, or even get your kids involved, or a even do a vlog.

Maybe you don't even blog, but you would love to get involved. I'm happy to collate guest posts, and perhaps if we get many contributions a few of my preemie blogging friends can help host. This could be a great opportunity to share your baby's or child's story.

So why don't you comment below and pledge to blog for preemies on November 17th! If you need any support or advice, let me know. I will also collate some topic ideas and post these at the beginning of November.


  1. I don't know anyone personally who has had a premature baby, and the only blog I read on it is yourself.
    But I'm sure I could whip something up on Nov 17th and spread the word. Do my bit.

    I admire your passion hun. I'm in. xxxx

  2. Fantastic, you can steal Joseph for your post if you want!

  3. I'll write a guest blog about our little preemie if you want - remind me closer to the date!

  4. I'd like to get involved & write something about my son, I'm not very good with links and stuff though.

  5. I'm definitely there too! I may have to steal you and Joseph to blog about x

  6. I have a gorgeous 7 year old who was an 8 week prem baby and a new newphew who was 6 weeks prem so lots of experience to share here! Will most def put something together. x

  7. I would love to join in as well, my first son was born at 31 weeks and my second at 34 weeks both for different reasons, so some personal stories here. I follow March of Dimes on facebook. I

  8. I'll do it - though I am counting on you to remind me! It's 2 days after Avery's birthday, and Avery always reminds me of Joseph, so perhaps that will be trigger enough.
