Friday, 10 February 2012 really expensive - #dosomethingyummy

You will, I hope, have seen my posts about Yummy Mummy Week hosted on Nickie's blog Typecast .

I want you, my reader, to know and understand why this is just so important, why we need to support CLIC Sargent.

When Joseph was born, we were sent into a new world, of beeping machines, lines and ivs, expressing milk, of living half our lives in a hospital. It was crippling emotionally and physically and financially. We were lucky of course there is maternity pay so although my wages ended 3 months early, we still had money coming in. But our expenses were huge. However, we knew it was for a finite period of time.

Money is a tough subject, and when it comes to illness it seems almost crass to talk about it. But we do need to talk about it. Hospitals are expensive, the parking, the meals, buying special clothing and creams. I saw it with my own mum. Some things are just very very dear.

Then things like nursery fees if you have other children and can't be there all the time, the consideration of one or both parents having to stop work or reduce hours. Often additional equipment, or simply being home more often has a massive impact on utility bills. Bills require payment, they don't wait.

The practical support CLICsargent provide is essential to these families. As much as we like to think "it's only money" bills need paying.

Please support Yummy Mummy Week and help families like the one in the video, because when cancer strikes your child, money should be the last thing on your mind.

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