Thursday, 2 February 2012

Hologic ‘Miracle Unit’ Award - Let's Get Baby Friendly

As any regular reader of mine will be aware, I am passionate about Tommy’s and the work that they do. You might be aware of the Tommy’sLet’s Get Baby Friendly Awards held each year. Voting is quick and easy, and you can do so here.
As well as the regular awards, there are 5 additional awards. The one I’d love to talk to you about today is the Hologic ‘Miracle Unit’ Award. 

When I was pregnant, I had a lot of appointments at our hospital. Our neonatal unit was off a main corridor and every time I walked past, I would say a little prayer for the babies and the parents, as well as the staff. Sometimes I would see a transport incubator go in the doors, or come out empty towards theatre, and I’d feel a rush of compassion for those families going through the fear of premature birth, or complications. I never thought for a minute that one day, I’d be on the other side of those doors.

When you have a tiny baby or a poorly one, you place your baby in the hands of these people. The work that they do, their passion and dedication is amazing. With the birth rate increasing, these units are under more pressure than ever before. Premature birth rates are increasing too, and our expectations are high. This area of medicine is truly inspiring, and the work that they do deserves recognition. I believe every unit is a miracle unit.

Tommy’s wants to recognise these units, and invites you to nominate a unit close to your heart for this award.
The prize is amazing, a box of Hologic Rapid fFN® tests, and one year’s use an fFN® test analyser. I know many of my readers have benefitted from this test which can predict the likelihood of a mother entering into pre-term labour.  

To nominate a Miracle Unit, send your reasons why to before 20th February 2012.

1 comment:

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