Friday, 3 February 2012

Promoting Products and Resources for Premature Babies and their Families

Hello readers, you will notice that there have been some big changes on Not Even A Bag of Sugar. I've been prompted to look at my blog with fresh eyes. I started to notice that the blogs I favour in terms of reading and going back to have larger blocks of text, less clutter, and have black writing on a white-ish background. Hence, the big change. My sister installed the previous look to the blog and I really loved it, but feel now that I've outgrown it, so thank you Penni for all your help!

I'm planning quite a few more changes, there are two in particular I'd like your help with.

Firstly, I'd like to create a list of tried and trusted suppliers of things that you have bought for your premature or sick baby. It doesn't need to be clothing, or even premature specific. I'd especially like to showcase the small businesses, the Facebook pages, the unsung heroes, as well as the larger companies.

My rationale for this is people often ask me "what can I buy?" "where can I buy it from?" and it will be nice to have resource for people to utilise for either their own baby, or for buying gifts.

Listing will be free of charge, and will sit in a seperate page on the blog. If you have a business that would like to be featured what I would like is the following:

  • One picture, can be any size I can resize as required.
  • A short (100 words or less) piece about your business and what you provide
  • Your weblink or Facebook page details
From time to time I will do a feature post about a business on the page.

The second thing I would like to do is compose a page of resources. A lot of information can be found on websites like Bliss and Tommy's and I certainly include those, but I have become aware there are loads of smaller charities doing some amazing work, and they deserve to be talked about and promoted.

If you are, or know of, a charity that would like to be featured, please let me know, and I am looking for similar information, a picture, a short blurb, and a weblink or contact details.

Please feel free to share this post as much as you like. I want to make it as comprehensive as possible. At the moment most content will be UK based, however I am open to looking at businesses that operate elsewhere.

My email address is notevenabagofsugar (at)

1 comment:

  1. This is great Kylie. Fab idea to put some resources together :)

    Love the new style too.
