Sunday 22 April 2012

Premature Baby News Round Up

I'm going to trial a Premature Baby News Round Up each week. For daily updates follow my Twitter account Not Even a Bag News.

  • To start with a lovely story from Liverpool Women's Hospital where Ann Parry a very experienced neonatal nurse has invented a special butterfly pillow. This pillow will be used to help keep baby's airways nice and open, preventing apnoea attacks. It's also thought the use of the pillow will help protect the soft, fragile skull of the developing baby and prevent flat head syndrome.
  • I really love this story from Oxford, about the John Radcliffe Hospital and Burton's Queens Hospital that helped save the life of Jacob and his mother Pippa.  It's easy to criticise the NHS, and stories where things have gone wrong are quick to hit the news, but to read a wonderful story of a happy ending, and that illustrates how well hospitals in neonatal networks work together is fantastic.
  • One of the things that the UK do through the NHS is offer free dental treatment for pregnant women up until the baby's first birthday. This article from Colorado illustrates why.  Women with perdiontal disease and poor oral hygeine are more likely to have premature and low birthweight babies. If you are pregnant or planning to do so, it's important to see your dentist and keep a good routine of taking care of your teeth and gums.
  • There have been a lot of fundraising stories in the news this week, about varying feats raising money for premature babies, but this one from Ireland is my favourite!  I love the idea of these rough tough bikers raising money for tiny babies! The ride tikes place this weekend, so if your in Ireland, please show these guys your support.
  • I was very pleased to see this story in the BBC news finally. It covers an important piece of research about milk feeds and premature babies. Babies like mine are often fed intravenously for weeks because it was believed that delaying milk feeds was better for them, but this new research contradicts the current practice, and may lead to less infection, and perhaps speeding up discharge. 
  •  Winner of the most sensationalist headline of the week goes to The Sunday Telegraph in Australia, "Baby Chloe Hailes Could be Killed by a Sneeze" and I really want to write "and so could any baby with chronic lung disease or underlying medical conditions." Hey ho, it is good to see that it is making the news and making people more aware I am just concerned that it makes it sound like Chloe is the exception rather than the rule.
I hope you have enjoyed this round up, please let me know if its been of interest and I will keep it up!


  1. Great idea even tho I see most of the tweets,the summary is great and can then decide which articles want to read.

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