Wednesday 20 June 2012

Inspire - Brilliance in Blogging Award

Britmums are presenting the Brilliance in Blogging Awards on Friday, and I am shortlisted in the Inspire Category, which I am really excited about. Can I let you in on a little secret though? I hate this category. The reason I hate it is that every single blog in the Inspire category is utterly fabulous, and I read pretty much all of them on a regular basis. I want to introduce you to my fellow bloggers, if you haven't come across them already, do yourself a favour and check them out!

A Boy With Aspergers Claire Sarcone is one of the nicest (and maddest) mummy bloggers you are ever likely to meet. Her blog is truly inspirational, and Claire works tirelessly to help other parents who find themselves battling with special needs provision for their children. Claire left me for dead won the MAD Blog Awards in my category last year!

Crystal Jigsaw Kathryn was one of the first bloggers to visit me and comment regularly. She is a deeply encouraging person. What I love best about her blog is the amazing photos she takes of her beautiful farm and her stories of farming life. She is an amazing writer, and a special needs mum to her daughter.

Doing it all for Alleyna I met Alex at the MAD Blog Awards last year. She also has a daughter with special needs (I love how she calls global developmental delay another term for "haven't a bloody clue"), and she's another really encouraging blogger. Her special needs round ups are well worth following up on the Britmums blog.

Down Side Up I really adore this account of life with an amazng girl with Down's Syndrome, and there are some fantastic posts that are well worth reading like What to Say When A Baby is Born with Down's Syndrome. I am really looking forward to catching up with Hayley at Britmums Live and finally meeting her.

Mummy Whisperer How my heart sank when I saw the absolutely stunning Lisa Pearson in this category. Lisa is a magician. She can take stressed out women with too much on their plate and turn them into organised, confident, happy mums with happy children. It's true. She's written a fantastic book, click on the blog to see how to order, and find yourself deeply inspired. She also looks amazing in a fairy princess dress!

Walking with Angels A beautiful blog about raising children, and about grief too, the author's daughter died due to complications from Rett Syndrome, they have started a charity in her name Livvy's Smile and also foster special needs children.

Was is this in the Plan? This is a very moving blog about a family with four children. The youngest, Daisy, has a condition called Costello syndrome. This blog is a very moving account about life with a child with complex needs, and also the oldest child, a son, has Asperger's Syndrome. I really love this blog, its insightful and tells it how it is, and its not always easy.

So you can see I am up against it! But I don't mind at all what happens, as we're all doing amazing things and are all winners really!


  1. Kids One Stop Shop21 June 2012 at 10:31

    Hi we are sponsoring the Inspire category and just wanted to say good luck.

  2. Crystal Jigsaw21 June 2012 at 18:46

    You are absolutely right, we are all worthy of being winners. Blogging is such an amazing past time, quite addictive too, but it's not very often one comes across a blog and isn't inspired. Thank you for the mention and for your extremely kind words.

    Good luck to everyone.
    CJ x

  3. Mummywhisperer21 June 2012 at 20:16

    OMG sweetie you made me cry with that comment!

    You've summarised everything I was thinking apart from ...
    Kylie from Not Even a Bag Of Sugar - an incredibly gorgeous soul, beautiful Mum, and important blog for all those parents out there experiencing or who have had premature kids. Can't wait for her book!

    Good luck everyone, I'm incredibly chuffed to with with you in this category and to be an 'Inspire' finalist. See you tomorrow (apart from Kathryn, who I'm going to impersonate if she wins!).

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