Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Best Beginnings Blogathon - November 16th and 17th

Best Beginnings - My Journey

 My journey with Best Beginnings started over a year ago. I answered a call on the Bliss messageboard looking for parents who could help with a new DVD project for parents who have had a baby that requires neonatal care. I was excited to help. I became part of a panel, a virtual panel, of 100 parents all viewing and giving opinions on rough cuts of the footage to be used in the DVD.

I won't lie, it was hard to watch. Not only was it difficult to see these tiny babies, some of who on the edge of life, some who sadly passed away, it was difficult to see examples of truly brilliant neonatal care. There were babies having skin to skin care still on ventilation and CPAP, there were babies being given tube feeds by their parents. On our unit these things very rarely happened, and if they did, it was entirely dependent on which nurse you happened to have been assigned that day. This DVD reinforced my feelings of disappointment and feeling let down.

I was encouraged, though, that this is precisely what the Small Wonders DVD is aimed to do. It's purpose is to inform and empower parents and staff, and to address these imbalances in neonatal care. Best Beginnings have not just produced a DVD, they have constructed a change programme with the buy in of units around the country, through Best Beginnings Champions, specially trained staff, who can help parents view the DVD and work with them to ensure they are giving their babies the best start in life.

What I truly love about the Small Wonders project is it is aimed at putting the family in the centre of that babies care, not on the periphery.

Best Beginnings Blogathon

I have picked November 17 as this is World Prematurity Day.

The blogathon will commence on November 16th at 7pm. It will finish on November 17th at 8pm.

I will be blogging for a continuous period of 25 hours, sharing a post every 15 minutes.

The posts will be on this blog Best Beginnings Blogathon  which contains some more information. I will use this blog as a back up should anything go wrong!

I will blog around the topics of the DVD, and will use other stories too.

How can you help?

I would love you to join in on your own blog, before the day to raise awareness of what I'm doing, and during the Blogathon, that would be amazing.

I would love you to tweet, to share on your social media networks, tell your friends, tell anyone!


I am "selling" space for you to tell your story. Full details are on the specific blog, but spaces cost a suggested donation of £5, and you can have as many slots as you like. You can, of course, donate more if you want.

You can sponsor me, either per hour or a donation.

I am also happy to host advertising space on the blog. I am hoping that this blog will be read throughout the 25 hours and in the lead up to the event. I would also anticipate the blog being there forever and being used as a resource. Advertising space is a one off donation of £25 minimum, of course you can donate whatever you like. I will also credit you on this blog too.

Donations of prizes would also be appreciated, I would love to offer some small incentives during the 24 hour period.

I am really looking forward to this and hope that we can raise £5000 for Best Beginnings. Thank you to all for your support.

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