Monday, 23 July 2012


We are home. Yesterday we arrived back in Manchester after a week away in Germany. Thank you to my lovely guest posters for looking after my blog so beautifully whilst I was away, and to my readers I hope you enjoyed hearing their voices, and truly hope you have found some new blogs to follow.

Yesterday was poignant for me. The 22nd July 2009 was Joseph's first full day at home with us. I guess for a non NICU parent it's hard to appreciate the significance of that date to me. I will never know if I approached our NICU journey the "right" way, and I am not so sure there is any right or wrong way, but I never thought about taking Joseph home. I never thought about when it might be, my only little goal was not to be there 100 days! I just focussed on each little milestone.

When we finally were told that we could take Joseph home, I burst into tears. I just never truly thought the day would ever come. I never dared think about it! So every year, I look back at this time with amazement that we went through 76 days of Joseph in hospital, and all that it entailed, and finally could get him home where he belonged.

Bringing a baby home isn't always easy, and I thought I would do some posts around this during the week, amongst some other interesting things happening at the moment!

I've also decided to open up to more guest posts. I love reading other people's story, if you would like to tell a story please contact me.

I will leave you all with our holiday song. We heard this song throughout our stay in Germany. It's my new favourite!


  1. Happy Homecoming anniversary!!
    My babes were only in NICU 2 and 3wks and were born at 35 & 36wks so I only got the tip of the iceberg but an insight into how tough that time is but I will always remember their homecoming dates, their due dates with almost as much importance as their birth dates.
    You must be so proud of how far your little man has come xx
