Friday, 31 December 2010

Another Year Over - 2010 in review

Well its been a year! I remember on New Years Eve I only made one resolution, to put 2009 behind me and focus on the future, and you know what, I have achieved this I feel. With help from the wonder drug, I was able to put my anxieties and the trauma of Joseph's prematture birth behind me, and focus on the future.

January was an amazing month, still cold, but at the end of the first week of January we flew to Australia. Joseph's first adventure went smoothly, we had two glorious days in Dubai, and then onto mum and dad's. It was so wonderful to see them, I hadn't seen mum since our wedding in 2008 and hadn't seen dad since 2006.

This year has brought me a new little nephew, Avery, who looks to be a little gem, and I can't wait to meet him in February, another trip to Australia.

In sad news, 2010 saw my mum diagnosed with breast cancer, a routine mammogram showed a lump, and as it transpired mum had an aggressive form of breast cancer usually seen in younger women. And so began the onslaught of chemotherapy, mum has been neutropenic which landed her in hospital, and has had a number of complications of the chemotherapy, the most pernicious being anemia. I have been amazed and proud of how my mum has dealt with it all as if she has a bad cold, but does need reminding every so often that she is a cancer patient and needs to behave like one!

In happier news, 2009 saw the purchase of our first house! We previously lived in a tiny one bedroom flat. We loved the area we lived in, but unfortunately had been priced out of Stubbins, with our extravagant wish list! We wanted a back garden, three bedrooms and to not be on a main road, not a lot to ask, you wouldn't think. We found the ideal house, you've heard of "the worst house in the best street"? well this is quite the opposite, "the best house in the worst street!". It's not so bad, but our street does have its characters, and the only consolation is the next street down is far worse! But our house is on a great bus route, close to lots of lovely walking routes and a big country park, and we are very happy here.

Also this year I started this blog, through which I have met many people, and learnt a lot. I hope I have been able to give back a little as well.

Which brings to mind some resolutions.

1. Now that mentally I am back on track my resolution for 2011 is to look after myself physically. To exercise more and to eat better. Hopefully that results in weight loss, but that is not my resolution.

2. To focus on the future for my blog and my writing, and to seek further opportunities. I don't get sponsorship for my blog, I just tap away quietly on my own, so I want to learn more about mummy blogging and looking towards the future, perhaps about publishing too.

3. To continue to be the best mummy I can be, and to help Joseph reach his potential. I hope to get involved in more groups, and to find more activities for Joseph to do, perhaps, additional income permitting, sending him to nursery one day a week.

4. To get our garden sorted, the front is not too bad, but the back is just grass and I have big plans, a rockery/Pirate island on the left and veggies on the right.

5. To read more! We don't have a shower, we have a bath, so my resolution is to read at least 2 nights a week in the bath! There are so many books I haven't read!

I'd like to finish by saying thank you to you, my reader, for following my story, for supporting me and Joseph (and hubby too) and for reading, and I hope for many more readers to join me in 2011.

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