Sunday, 26 June 2011

Surpised by Cybermummy

I have just attended what I hope to be a life changing, or at the very least, blog changing event! This was my first ever blogging event, and what a way to start. The event was held in the centre of London, in The Brewery. It had all the glitz and glamour of an awards night.

Initially, I didn’t think Cybermummy was for me. I didn’t identify as a mummy blogger initially. I thought a mummy blogger blogged about the school run, or about long lunches with their mummy friends, or activities they do with their children. I thought they courted businesses, and wrote sponsored posts. I had a very narrow minded view of what a “mummy blogger” is.

I was delighted to fine at Cybermummy that essentially we are all the same. We are the modern day story tellers, and blogs tell our stories. Sad stories, happy stories, sponsored stories, stories for fun, stories just because, stories to impart an important message. I am much happier with my new perspective – the blogger as modern day story teller.

I was struck by how many mummy bloggers have a similar background to me, mummies with kids with autism, with verbal dyspraxia, other mums with premature babies. Blogging seems to be a legitimate way of dealing with social isolation, with dealing with difference.

The day was divided into sections. We all sat together for the initial talks and then divide into groups to look at different issues around blogging, and I found this extremely hard, because so many of the talks were worthwhile, and I can’t split myself into three. I look forward to checking out the other talks on line.
My favourite talk included my favourite personal moment. The talk was about “blogger activism” and was extremely moving, speaking about UNICEF and Save the Children’s partnerships with bloggers. I was very brave and asked a question. My question was what about those bloggers who are wanting to form partnerships with charities, how do we go about it? I mentioned about Bliss and Tommy’s and a voice piped up “this lady is here from Tommy’s!” It was very funny! I did then go on to ask for a lottery win, watch this space....

It was great to get tips about marketing, about how to raise the profile of our blogs.  I did a very in depth workshop about how to migrate from Blogger to Wordpress, which made my head hurt. I listened intently to everything and made copious notes!

But what I’ve really taken away from Cybermummy are the stories. Stories from famous people, like Sarah Brown, the wife of the former Prime Minister, and stories from people who are considered ordinary, people like you, people like me. Stories that are funny, that are sad, that are moving beyond measure. I will never forget crying during one of these moving stories, and hugging another fellow blogger also in tears.
I have so much floating in my head, and things I want to achieve now, and partnerships to build. I can’t wait to go through my piles of business cards and forge new friendships, to reach out to charities, and to improve and continue my story telling. 

But first I just want to get home to my little boy, Joseph, who inspires me, and I've spent all weekend thinking and talking about!


  1. bloody awesome!!!!! I wish I could have come too!!! I love the new look and I love your blog, you inspire me daily so thank you!! I hope you get home safely xxxxx

  2. Sorry I didn't get to meet you! It was extremely full on wasn't it? Oh well, maybe next year?

  3. WOW! What a wonderful experience. How lucky that Zu3D sponsored you to go to the event.

  4. yes I am very lucky, and very very very grateful!

  5. Hi Kylie

    I hope you got back Ok, your husband Corey passed on the details of your blog and I couldn't resist commenting. My son Alex and I met Joespeh on the Steam train yesterday and they became pals for the day as toddlers do sharing a common enthusiasm for the train and chocolate buttons. Joseph is adorable and had an extremely infectious laugh which caused a great amount of giggles throughout the trip, and he kept Cory on his toes. It was a real pleasure meeting them both, good luck with the competition.

  6. Thank you so much! My husband couldn't stop talking about his train trip and meeting you and Alex!
