Saturday, 20 August 2011

Please Help Save Our Maternity Unit

I've blogged about this a couple of times, but the hospital unit that saved my life and where Joseph lived for the first 10 weeks of his life has been earmarked for closure.

Several units were targeted and some have been closed already. The main reason, as far as I can see, is that there is an ethos in the Trust that bigger is better, and services are being centralised.

We feel a town like Bury, which is large and bustling with an ever increasing population, deserves its own facilities, locally. A petition has been set up and I know a lot of you reading this will have signed already.

I know this sounds like a begging letter, and it absolutely is. We require 100 000 signatures to have this matter raised in Parliament and force this decision to be looked at again.

It's a big ask and I need all of you to help. Please sign the petition, tweet it, re tweet it and ask celebrities to do the same. We need to save this unit.

The Petition

The Tweet - for Celebrities @(name) Please RT to try and save maternity services at Fairfield Hospital, Bury, Thanks

The Tweet for general awareness - as above but take out @(name) and add #savefairfield

Thank you. This is so important to me, as I passionately believe that the fact the unit knew me personally and was near to home were important factors in saving my life and not missing the pre eclampsia that came on so suddenly.

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