Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Starting Pre-school

If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook, or read my post about toddler separation anxiety you will know that Joseph has commenced pre-school.This post must have struck a chord as I have been awarded Sudocrem's Mummy Blogger of the Week! Britain's favourite nappy rash treatment. 

Joseph is only 2 and 5 months, and seems very young to be starting pre-school! It came about because a few months ago I was very much struggling, which I documented in my blog, with not having more children, and with feeling very depressed. My support worker from my local sure start centre had a series of meetings with me, and we decided to apply for funding for Joseph to attend pre school for 10 hours a week.

There were a couple of reasons for this, firstly to give me a bit of breathing space to get my head around things. Since falling pregnant I feel a bit like I've been on a perpetually moving conveyor belt and just couldn't get my head around things.

Also, for Joseph, to give him more opportunities to socialise with other children and adults. We do have play groups locally but they're only for an hour or so, and I am always there. I have been a little concerned about his maturity levels, particularly sitting still and turn taking, and this seems to be improving already!

Since starting nursery Joseph has begun to mature. The last few times I have taken him, he has toddled off happily. He is very pleased to see me when I collect him, but not desperate to come home. Somethng amazing has happened with manners. If I ask Joseph if he wants something he says "yes please" and then states the item, for example "yes please, drink" or even "yes please, bed". As well as manners, his new found confidence with speech is making it a lot easier for me to learn his needs.

His two word pairs are disappearing and being replaced by short little sentences, often around the wrong way or missing the odd word, which doesn't matter in the slightest, and its just so endearing. I love this little person who is emerging, and finding his place in the world.

The other thing I have noticed is singing. Joseph has always loved rhythm and melody and he's been completing lines in songs for a while, but hasn't spontaneously sung until last week. I heard this little voice singing "5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed", which was just so cute. He also does a mean rendition of "Pop Goes the Weazel"

The decision to send him to pre-school was a big one for me, as I've never left him before on a regular basis, but it appears to be just what he needs right at the moment. I'm still not sure I like the sound of an empty house, and I have to admit to being tempted to put Cbeebies on just so it seems like he's still here!


  1. Hi, it sounds a wonderful nursery and seems to have done wonders for your son. He has come on so far in such little time! Well done to you all!

    Just a quick question, we have been trying to find a pre-school for our daughter and we were wondering what the pre-school is called and where it is? We live on Manchester Road, and do not mind travelling a couple of miles.

    Like you said, anything for a breather!

    Keep up the blog - it has been wonderful and has inspired me.


  2. Thank you, yes they have done wonders. It's Playaway on Brandlesholme Road http://www.playaway.org.uk/index.html There is also Laurel Street pre school in Tottington which is spoken very highly of.

  3. Good for you! Admitting you need a short break every now and then is tough!

    And Great for the little man! Big thumbs up! Lovely to hear him coming on so well.

    Hugs xxxx
