Saturday 31 December 2011

New Years Resolutions - Goal Setting for 2012

I am really looking forward to 2012. We have been very blessed in 2011, with good health, and happiness. It's been a wonderful year, with very few lows and lots of highs. I feel ready to take on some big challenges next year and here are my goals/resolutions for 2012.

  • To lose 100lb (from my original weigh in, I think I have lost about 14 Christmas indulgence not included)
  • To raise £1000 for Tommy's
  • To have a fantastic cake bake for Bliss and encourage others to join in!
  • To save £1000 by year end towards Christmas 2013
  • To be a better blogger, not so much my own blog, but a better member of the blog community, comment and support others and get involved in more events.
  • To do more craft projects and make at least one thing per month.
  • To maintain a tidy house, and cut down on clutter!
  • To recycle, remake and reuse as much as I can
What are your resolutions?


  1. Blimey I am knackered just reading yours . I have to go lie down....

    Happy new year Kyle x

  2. I dont tend to have resolutions (they get broken) but have a series of "obectives" and will join you on being a better Blogger, on weighing less, having less clutter and reducing/reusing/recycling.... in addition to my "must finish house rennovation"!

  3. To lose 100 lbs in a year is a lot.

    That is almost 2 lbs per week. To lose 2lbs you would need to cut out roughly 7000 calories. That's 1000 calories per day.

    The average woman needs to eat roughly 2000 calories per day to maintain their weight. So if you were going by diet alone you would need to halve your required daily calorie intake. You would have to do this every day for a year. This would not be healthy, not is it very likely that anyone would be able to keep this up for very long.

    To continue to be healthy a large amount - about 500 calories - would then need to come from exercise. You can lose this in about an hour of brisk walking, or about 40 minutes on a rowing machine. You would have to do this every single day to reach your goal, whilst being pretty hungry at the same time.

    I don't want to put a downer on your resolutions. To become more healthy is a great resolution. I just feel that setting unrealistic expectations is the first step to a broken resolution.

    I find weight loss goals tend to be quite dangerous anyway. The human body is a temperamental thing, sometimes your weight can increase for no apparent reason. Diets can take a while to "kick in". Every set back is often seen as an excuse to give up. It can all be quite depressing.

    Much more beneficial are setting small achievable goals that you can move towards. If you like lifting weights at the gym, aspire to lift 2kg more this week than last week.. every week of the year. Or try to walk 0.2 miles further in an hour more than last time.

    Also dietary goals are important. Aspire to eat no cake and no sugar and minimal wheat per week. Note it is easier to eat 0 biscuits per week than it is to eat just 1. Get into the habit of knowing what is in everything you eat. Not everything that is touted as being healthy actually is.

    Most importantly enjoy every day of the process. That's the most important thing! ;-)

  4. This is the problem when people don't read in context. I am training for a 10k run and working with a nutrionist and an exercise specialist.

    I think goal setting is important, and yes its important to be realistic, but I find if you aim for nothing, that's what you tend to achieve.

  5. My resolutions are on my blog! All achievable I think! :-D

  6. I have a buzz word for this year 'organisation' and i'm planning on bringing it into all aspects of my life (and my poor families!). I think i'll be much nicer to live with, and have greater fulfillment if I feel I have a better handle on the basics :D

  7. I did look around to see what you were planning to do, but didn't find mention of the nutritionist and exercise specialist. That's great that you are doing what you can to inform yourself. That will increase your chances massively.

    Many come up with huge weight loss goals without really knowing what they are doing. They invariably either fail, quickly give up and get depressed or pick up some eating disorders and get depressed.

    There is a huge food industry and a huge diet industry that feeds off these people.

    My comment was aimed mainly towards those people.

  8. Thanks for coming back. I am morbidly obese, so have a lot to lose, and my bp is very high even on meds, so its important I work on it. I am cheating a bit as I've already lost 20lb before new year ;)

    I totally agree that there is a huge diet industry out there selling silly promises and ridiculous methods. I doing a programme that is NHS run and GP prescribed.
